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DYNO -MILL KD - Eskens B V . The DYNO -MILL KD disc mills are available with grinding chamber volumes from 0 15 to 600 litres and are suitable for practically all types of grinding media The production mills can be operated with grinding bead diameters from 0 5 to 2 5 mm Functionality .
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The gap width is adjustable to suit the grinding bead size. The medium-sized production mills (KD 20 B – KD 60) are also optionally available with a screen sieve separator. The KD 120 A to KD 600 types are exclusively fitted with an easily removable arched sieve. Grinding beads of different materials and sizes (0.3-2.5 mm diameter) can be used.
DYNO®MILL KD Willy A. Bachofen AG, The features of the DYNO®MILL KD. Ideal for pass mode with consistent efficiency to obtain narrow particle size distribution in the micrometer range. La patente no zl molino de molienda, La patente no zl molino de molienda . DYNO MILL KDL molino …
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The medium-sized production mills (KD 20 B - KD 60) are also optionally ... DYNO®-MILL KD - Manich-Ylla, SA ... DYNO - MILL. Typ KD 45 B, Mahlrauminhalt 45 L, 44 kW, 1977, € 4.600,-- + MwSt . Patent WO2003000228A2 - Method for high through put screening ...
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Les broyeurs de taille moyenne (KD 20 B-60) peuvent également être livrés avec séparation par tamis. Les types KD 120 A à KD 600 sont équipés d‘un tamis bombé, simple à démonter.